Version 1.70 available
New bi-weekly planning and Ldap connection
The version 1.70 of Netside Planning is now on-line. Below the list of novelties and of made corrections :
- New bi-weekly view :You can from now on follow the planned events on a planning of 2 consecutive weeks.
- New Excel export available : New excel export of the bi-weekly planning.
- Redesign of the weekly view : The events are from now on more visible and the view has been increased for a better visibility.
- Integration of the right-click of the mouse in all the plannings. A menu appears from now on when you do a right-click on an event. This menu allows you to, amongst other things, to delete an event directly from le planning.
- Integration of the LDAP authentication : You can from now on activate the authentication by your own LDAP server from the preferences of the application.
- The deletion icons (trash) have been deleted from the events of each planning. The right-click of the mouse now replacing this icon, it became useless.
- From le planning, you can from now on directly click on the name of a resource in order to be able to manage it (manager or administrator rights necessary).
- Improvement of the compatibility of Netside Planning with Internet Explorer 11.
- The Mobility url is from now on visible from the user profile.
- Improvement of the general site ergonomics and of the different interfaces of the application.