With Netside Planning, facilitate the planning management of your company. Plan in real-time and simultaneously the activity of your human and material resources from a simple Internet browser.
From our secured interface and directly accessible from Internet, manage your staff member's planning from anywhere.
To whom is our planning management software intended for ?
Netside Planning has been designed to be usable quickly by all your teams whatever their job.
Forget the softwares too complicated.
Only a few minutes are enough to take in hand Netside Planning.
View and schedule your company activity with daily, weekly, multi-weekly, monthly and calendar schedules.
Create and modify your schedule tasks simultaneously.
Centralize activity, interventions, holidays, absences and appointments.
Book your meeting rooms and vehicles. Define multiple participants for your events.
Your data is centralized and shareable with all your collaborators.
Set the access and modification rights to the schedule.
Interact and communicate in real time with your teams.
Define automatic reminders by email or SMS before starting a task.
Alert your teams in real time when modifying their schedule.
Want to keep track of your offline schedules?
All schedules are exportable in EXCEL format in one click and already preformatted for paper printing.
With the mobility pack, your employees can follow their schedule in real time from their smartphone or tablet.
But that's not all, all schedules can also be exported to Outlook or any other desktop calendaring application.
Netside Planning allows you to create tasks waiting for planning.
A dedicated view allows you to track the list of these events by resources and by teams.
You can integrate one or more attachments into your schedule tasks.
With this feature you can attach quotes, technical documents, photos or any other document useful for your interventions.
Netside Planning displays public holidays from more than ten different countries.
The creation of vacation schedules and absence schedules for your employees is facilitated.
We offer a QR code clocking system to record your employees' time schedules in real time and at a lower cost.
Print these QR codes at your customers and your employees will only have to point directly to their smartphone.
Track these time slots in the app and easily create reports on worked hours and overtime.
An search engine allows you to find your tasks and events very easily.
Many additional filters allow you to customize the display of your schedules by location, skill, type of resource, customer, category of event ...
Many reports, statistics, and charts are available in the app.
All our reports are again accessible in one click and exportable in different formats (EXCEL, CSV, JSON).
Customize the application as you wish.
Add additional fields to your schedule tasks and customize the different views (rolling schedule or not, one or more schedules per resource, event overlay, ...)
Try Netside Planning for free for several weeks.
No commitment, no CB request and no application to install.
Your personal schedule is accessible in few minutes.